$VENT Liquidity Provider (LP) Farm/Staking is now LIVE

You can now add $VENT liquidity on PancakeSwap (BSC) and stake $VENT + BUSD to earn rewards in $VENT on Tokensfarm!

Vent Finance
The Vent Blog



  1. Liquidity Farming with Maximized Rewards.
  2. $VENT–BUSD Liquidity Farm Overview.
  3. How to Participate and Start Earning Rewards.

1 — Liquidity Farming with Maximized Rewards:

With the growing activity and volume on BSC, the Vent Team is excited to announce that we are increasing and facilitating liquidity for trading on Pancakeswap (BSC) through a BSC Liquidity Farm.

Starting from today— $VENT tokens will be distributed as rewards to liquidity providers who will add liquidity to the $VENT/BUSD Pool on PancakeSwap (V2), and then stake those LP tokens on our farm, LIVE now at https://tokensfarm.com/vent/lp/1.

We have decided to front-load the rewards, distributing 750,000 $VENT tokens over a 37-day period. Through a dynamic approach, we believe this will deliver appealing APR/APY.

During the duration of the current LP Farm, $VENT—BUSD LP tokens will qualify as 2x $Vent tokens for the Simplified Ticket Allocation System (Tiers)!

2 — $VENT–BUSD Liquidity Farm Overview:

By staking $VENT–BUSD LP tokens, liquidity providers earn yield by receiving $VENT tokens as rewards.

  • APR/APY: Dynamic
  • NO Deposit or Withdrawal Fees (0%)
  • Minimum time to stake: 10 days.
  • NO Lock-up period: To redeem your rewards, you must stake for a minimum of 10 days. You can withdraw your LP tokens at any time before the 10-day period, but your rewards will be burned.
  • $VENT BSC Token Contract Address: 0x872d068c25511be88c1f5990c53eeffcdf46c9b4

3 — How to Participate and Start Earning Rewards:

  1. Make sure to bridge your $VENT tokens to BSC first. You can do so through chainport.io by following this how-to tutorial.
  2. Add liquidity to PancakeSwap and receive LP tokens. You can do so by following this tutorial.
  3. Once you get the LP Tokens in your wallet, deposit them on the $VENT LP Farm/Staking to start earning rewards: $VENT LP Farm or https://tokensfarm.com/vent/lp/1.

$VENT BSC Token Contract Address: 0x872d068c25511be88c1f5990c53eeffcdf46c9b4

If you need help or guidance, feel free to contact any admin in our Official Telegram Group. We’ll gladly provide guidance and help you resolve any issues face. You can find us here: Vent Community Telegram Group.

Happy earnings!

⚠️ Important: LP Farming/Staking involves risks such as Impermanent Loss — make sure to be aware of those risks before staking.

You can measure/calculate potential Impermanent Loss here: IL Calculator.

About VENT

VENT is empowering startups and retail participants with technology that supports sustainable growth. We work to make decentralized funding simple and accessible as we believe in financial inclusion and an economy where innovation can benefit society as a whole.

Combining simplicity, security, transparency, and inclusivity, we are determined to reset the world’s expectations of what a decentralized launchpad is and help evolve the reputation and maturity of the DeFi space and crypto ecosystem.


To buy $VENT tokens, please use any of the exchange listings below.

Note: Please be aware the only correct exchange links for $VENT are listed below. There will be fraudulent versions of $VENT. If in doubt, please ask an admin in the Vent Community.

