CryptoXpress, to Launch IDO on VENT!

CryptoXpress is bridging the crypto world with everyday life through a best-in-class app powered by the Binance Broker Program.

Vent Finance
The Vent Blog


Vent Finance is delighted to announce the next project to launch their IDO on VENT — CryptoXpress.

CryptoXpress IDO Details:

✔️ Registration Starts: Oct. 22

🔒 Registration Ends: Oct. 29

CryptoXpress is a digital finance company providing meaningful ways for users to participate in cryptocurrency and NFT.

By incorporating a banking-like experience complete with fiat-to-crypto transfers and a simple, user-friendly design, CryptoXpress, bridges the crypto world and everyday life.

Overview of CryptoXpress’s differentiating features

CryptoXpress employs a full online banking platform complete with bill payments, consultancy, debit card provision, and bank accounts. The platform has created an easy-to-use trading platform, offering over one thousand coin pairs allowing users to trade between fiat and other cryptocurrencies, while a retail and travel platform is in development.

In addition to faster transaction speeds and lower costs than Ethereum, CryptoXpress is partnering with Polygon to power NFT technology via cross-chain capabilities. This revolutionary partnership allows users to trade and own digital assets such as art or real estate facilitated by the platforms’ NFT marketplace.

CryptoXpress is powered by the Binance Broker Program to provide a more seamless experience for Crypto traders. In doing so, they have access and insight into cryptocurrency exchange infrastructure, helping them improve their core business model in both quality of service and products offered.

Why CryptoXpress is launching on VENT

CryptoXpress chose VENT or their IDO because we have an inclusive community tailored towards Cardano and Polygon enthusiasts.

It’s easy to get involved with VENT because it stands out as an inclusive platform. Users can take part in promising projects, raise money from fundraisers and interact with community members!

VENT’s philosophy has always been to innovate and foster relationships with the community, allowing the creation of a non-partisan environment for everyone from beginners to experts.

CryptoXpress retail participants will enjoy a superior IDO experience on VENT. Our integrated transparency and security features allow easier vetting and involvement from a fully KYC-verified community.

Key dates concerning the CryptoXpress IDO

Oct. 22: Registration and KYC for new users OPENS — Already KYC’d users do not have to do the process again.

Oct. 29: Registration CLOSES. Users can’t register for the $XPRESS IDO anymore. For successfully registered participants, the 7-day snapshot following the VENT Tier System begins on this day.

Nov. 5: KYC closes. The 7-day snapshot ends.

Nov. 6: Tiers and allocations are decided for every user. Users with successful snapshots and KYC will be able to connect their wallets to see the amount they can participate with.

Early November (TBA): $XPRESS IDO begins.

About CryptoXpress

CryptoXpress democratizes and simplifies traditional financial services for a new generation of consumers. Started by a group of experienced global blockchain experts, the company provides an easy-to-use mobile app to access a range of crypto and banking digital services. A best-in-class user experience will be offered to buy/trade crypto, access NFT marketplaces, conduct payments and digital transfers, and other exclusive loyalty, retail, and member benefits.

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About VENT

VENT is empowering startups and retail participants with technology that supports sustainable growth. We work to make decentralized funding simple and accessible as we believe in financial inclusion and an economy where innovation can benefit society as a whole.

Combining simplicity, security, transparency, and inclusivity, we are determined to reset the world’s expectations of what a decentralized launchpad is and help evolve the reputation and maturity of the DeFi space and crypto ecosystem.


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